Signe GraphiqueSigne Graphique

Design seemed like
a foregone conclusion to me.
After skills upgrade classes for
the applied arts in Bordeaux,
I have been graduated from a two year postbaccalaurate course in Graphic Design with digital option in Montpellier and a Master degree in Graphic Design
and digital creation, in Paris.

Design seemed
like a foregone conclusion to me.
After skills upgrade classes for the applied arts in Bordeaux,
I have been graduated from a two year postbaccalaurate course in Graphic Design
with digital option
in Montpellier
and a Master degree
in Graphic Design
and digital creation,
in Paris.

Design seemed like a foregone conclusion to me.
After skills upgrade classes for the applied arts in Bordeaux,
I have been graduated from a two year postbaccalaurate course in Graphic Design with digital option in Montpellier and a Master degree in Graphic Design
and digital creation, in Paris.

In my opinion, design is at the interface of areas. That's why I embark upon each project by means of a conceptualisation process, nourished as much by graphic research as by sociological or scientific research.
I improve my approach with various practices, from digital (Webdesign, inteactive design, video, photography...)
to Craft Art (paper Art, cardboard, etc.), through speculative design.

Pour moi, le design est à la croisée des domaines. C'est pourquoi
je débute chaque projet par
un processus de conceptualisation, nourri par des recherches tant graphiques que sociologiques
ou encore scientifiques.
J'enrichi ma démarche par
des pratiques diverses, allant
du numérique (Webdesign, design interactif, vidéo, photographie, etc.) au Craft Art (paper Art, cardborard, etc.), en passant par le design spéculatif.

In my opinion, design is
at the interface of areas.
That's why I embark upon each project by means of
a conceptualisation process, nourished as much by graphic research as by sociological or scientific research.
I improve my approach
with various practices, from digital (Webdesign, inteactive design, video, photography...) to Craft Art (paper Art, cardboard, etc.), through speculative design.
